Clean water

The streams, upon which the people depend, dry up in the dry seasons and the women and children have to walk long distances and dig down to find water.

Food security

In 2009 the NCAA imposed a ban on the small scale agriculture practiced by the Maasai and a 50% reduction in the number of their cattle.

Health Care

Fourteen out of every hundred children die before they reach the age of 5, mostly from easily preventable and treatable water-borne diseases.


The Maasai people are embracing education. Girls continuing to secondary are protected from child marriage and pregnancy in their early teens.

Micro Loans

In 2012 we started a microfinance loan system for women, with business training, enabling them to earn money for their families and escape extreme poverty.

Climate Change

Tanzania is experiencing weather extremes as a result of the changing climate. Increased temperatures, prolonged droughts, erratic rainfall and floods are resulting in significant impacts to public health and livelihoods.

Supporting Maasai communities in northern Tanzania with their sustainable pathways out of poverty, which promote wellbeing and dignity for all, in harmony with the wildlife.

We support the Maasai in and around the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. These determined and resilient people, with their rich culture, have historically led sustainable lives in harmony with the wildlife of East Africa. Since being moved off their wide ranging lands of the Serengeti in 1959 their lives have become increasingly difficult. Strict conservation practice and the ever increasing effects of the climate crisis limit their ability to care for their families and livestock. We support them with their work finding solutions to their current issues which are causing widespread hunger and ill health. Projects include different methods of accessing clean water, year round food availability, sponsoring child and adult education, improved health care facilities, health education and microfinance loans with training for women opening up business opportunities.

The Community Health Education Programme gives information which is opening people’s minds to ways of improving their well being. Since the classes started pregnancy clinic attendance and immunisation uptake have increased dramatically. The classes are giving information and encouraging discussion about the harmful practices of child marriage and FGC (Female Genital Cutting) traditionally performed on all girls at puberty. The education reaches people of all ages and genders, who are now choosing to stop these practices.

All projects are sustainable and managed by the people themselves.

We were registered with the UK Charity Commission in 2008. Our own travel, time and UK administration expenses are funded by ourselves, the UK founders, so 100% of your donations go directly to the community projects.

We are very grateful to Tomas Pukalski of Framework Digital in Aylesbury for designing and supporting our website.

A group of children smile while presenting Ndinyika Primary School’s new solar system panel

WTWT is run by Tanzanian and UK trustees.

WTWT Projects Galleries


Well Project

Micro Loans

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